Site News :: Flash Movies

You may have noticed the new link on the menu bar above. I have added a flash movie player to the site and have started adding video clips I took whilst I was in Mozambique. Hopefully everything works OK, if you notice any problems please comment.

Published by

John Talbot

The main protagonist behind this nonsense. The website title is inspired by the lyrics of the B-side to Lily the Pink by The Scaffold. "The buttons of your mind were difficult to find and my fingers far too clumsy."

3 thoughts on “Site News :: Flash Movies”

  1. Glad to hear ur back.

    U mite like ur golf but ur no match for my old man…well he has to have summat to do bless him xx


    p.s. leaving a comment here is very hard u know!

  2. He has avoided playing me in the ugvx league so far…

    I have hopefully improved the comment capability today by removing the email requirement. Anything else that would make it easier?

  3. ok second attempt at leaving comment…

    You can get rid of that stupid thing that asks u to repeat the number code thingy…I mean if there are comments you don’t like just delete em…I don’t on my space people, say what they like can’t be bothered with monitoring it.
    Would like you to also have cupa tea ready when i come here too smile

    I’ll ask chris if he wants a game if he’s ever a here, b sober c Chris smile

    love samxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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